Sunday, May 12, 2019


Hi, there! I'm McKayla, the blogger.

Here at Crazy, Country Dolls, you'll find photoshoots, photostories, reviews, how-to's, and lots more! This blog features a variety of dolls, not just AG. Anyway, enjoy your stay at Crazy, Country Dolls. 


  1. Welcome to the doll blogging community, McKayla! I can't wait to see your posts and learn more about your dolls!
    -Katie :)

  2. Thank you, Katie. I really like your blog. It's one of my favorites. I'd like to comment on it but my computer is having some difficulties posting comments. Once I get that figured out I'll be sure to comment on your blog.

    1. Awww! Thank you! That means a lot that you like my blog so much! I'm so excited about your blog, so many people have been leaving the doll blogging world that it's really nice to see someone enter :) oh no worries! I have the same problem sometimes.
      -Katie :)

  3. Yes, it's sad that so many people are leaving the doll blogging community but there are still some people who're still here and some people are just on a break or health break (like Madi from DWOD). And there will be more people who enter, probably.

    1. Yeah, and now that summer is coming it should also give bloggers more time to post :)
      -Katie :)

  4. Hi! I'm looking forward to seeing more posts! Sounds like you have a good plan in place.

  5. Hi! Thank you. I'm looking forward to making more posts.

  6. It's awesome to meet another doll blogger and I can't wait to read your future posts. :D

  7. Thank you, Q. I love your blog posts as well.
