Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Welcome Summer-A Photoshoot

 Hello everyone! I haven't done a photoshoot in FOREVER. A few weeks ago [when it was still sunny. Now all we have is rain], I took Chrissa and Tricia outside to take a few photos of them. I'm not nearly as good at photography as my sister, Hailey, but, hopefully you all still enjoy them.

I almost fell in the water while I was taking this picture, lol. Luckily I didn't drop her or fall.

Alright that's today's posts.
Are you all excited for summer?


  1. How cool! These pictures turned out so good <3 My favorite is the first one! The concept is so interesting :) And I personally think you're a great photographer ;)

  2. I agree with Hailey; you make great pictures! I love how you experiment with different angles and viewpoints. 😀
    I'm not sure yet how I feel about summer coming. On the plus side, there will be a lot of photography opportunities, but on the downside, we'll have 100 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures... 🙃

    1. Thank you, Hividah!
      Hmmm, well, I think you guys live in a place that's hotter than where we are, so I could see how that could get annoying.
