Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Making Create Your Own Dolls of Celebrities

I take zero credit for this video: it was all Emmie's amazing idea.
If you want to see the original post go here: Also, I know this video is kinda, sorta, oh, I don't know.......REALLY, REALLY LONG but it would mean a lot to me if you watched it. And y'know, comment please: Who did you think turned out the best? Are you familiar with any of these celebrities? Who's your favorite celebrity?


  1. This is such a neat idea. :) I once used the Create Your Own part of the AG site to try to make a Tauriel doll, and a Legolas doll. The Tauriel doll ended up looking better than the Legolas doll though. I do wish though, that the prices for the CYO were lower though...

  2. Me, too. Oh, I bet that turned out REALLY cool looking.

  3. I miss the Makies lab. Their dolls were really cool and very unique! I had a few elves created and some human too. It was just a lot of fun to play in the lab and create dolls. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of my creations made because I thought $100 was a bit much for a Barbie-size doll.

    Of the dolls in the video (and I have created 6 so far, but again not purchased any yet) i don't have a favorite. i think they all look great.

  4. Makies are super cute! I always wanted one. Yeah, that is kinda pricey. I'd love to see your creations on your blog. Aww, thanks. I think they all turned out pretty well. Thanks for commenting.

    1. Unfortunately, the Makies lab is not accessible anymore. :-(
      I hear Disney acquired the tech, but I haven't seen them do anything with it.

  5. Yeah, I'd heard about that. Hmm, I wonder why not.

  6. This was a super neat idea! Great job. :)


  7. Thanks. As mentioned, it was actually Emmie's idea. Thank you so much.
