Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Channel 4.5

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Channel #4.5 News Network! I’m your host, Abby Sciuto. You may recognize me from other posts. Anyway, I also work as a forensic analyst at NCIS but I’ve still managed to find the time to be a TV host. 
Firstly, I will be interviewing the lovely Anna and Elsa. Sit down and make yourself at home girls, er, princess and queen.
Alright, Elsa, do you like living here and do you miss Arendelle?
Well, I do miss Arendelle but it’s very lovely here.
Cool answer! I’m glad you like it here. Anna, do you-hang on, are you okay?
What? Yeah, yeah, of course I am. What were you going to ask me?
Uhhh, do you like being the youngest child? Do you ever wish you were the oldest?
I’m perfectly happy being a princess. I actually like being younger, and I don’t think I’d ever want to be queen.
Okay, so next question-
Uh, Elsa, I’m stuck.
Hang on, Anna. I’m trying to get you unstuck.
Oookayyyy. Um, while we wait I’ll interview my co-worker: the kick-butt, super-smart, excellent investigator……. Offiicer Ziva David.
Abby: So, Ziva what do you like best about working for NCIS?
Ziva: Abby, what are you doing?
Abby: Ziva, remember? I have my own TV show now!
Ziva: Wait, what? When did that start?
Abby: Oh, right! I forgot to tell you. Sorry, Ziva. 
Ziva: That’s perfectly alright, Abby. What I like best about working for NCIS is probably that….well, I like lots of my job. I couldn’t pick one thing.
 Abby: Well, the news is that Evie is making a ball gown for Audrey. I heard it’s going to be stunning.
Evie and Audrey smiled at each other.
Audrey: My dress is going to be so great, it will make Ben want me back again!
Mal: Ugh, Audrey, give it a rest.
Abby: Oh, Ziva, did I forget to tell you there’s a new girl in town?
Ziva: No, you did tell me that
Abby: No, I didn’t
Ziva: Yes, you did
Abby: ANYWAY, introducing…….Mal!
Mal: Uh, sup
The camera panned out over the audience.
Anna: Ouch! Neck….still….hurts.
Abby: Anyway, Ziva, my most reliable reporter just gave me a new news story. Hey, that’s fun to say, isn’t it? New news story.
Ziva: Who’s your most reliable reporter?
Abby: *whispers*
Ziva: Tony DiNozzo?
Abby: So, according to him, he saw……..Kara Thrace making out with a picture?
Audrey: *sighs* I always knew things would go very, very wrong for her.
Kara: *stands up* Wait, hold on, do you actually believe him? He’s clearly making things up, right?
Six: Well, I don’t know. You have seemed a little….off lately.
Kara: Aargh! I am so going to destroy Tony!
Abby: Well, that’s it for this week, everyone! Come back next week for more exciting news!


  1. LOL ANNA'S NECK XD This was awesome!

  2. Thanks so much, Madi. Yes, I know. she's a special edition ice skater Anna so she can't sit down right. My sister owns both Anna and Elsa and she was nice enough to let me borrow them.

  3. This was so cute. XD And funny!
