Monday, July 22, 2019

Girl in the Woods-a Chrissa photoshoot

I think of what the world could be. A vision of the one I see. A million dreams are keeping me awake. Oh, a million dreams for the world we’re gonna make. *clears throat* Okay, sorry for the Greatest Showman intro [but not really ‘cause it’s an awesome movie]. Anyway, my sister’s been playing music all morning, and of course I had to put some in a post. *sarcasm* No, I’m not weird, why would you even ask that? ANYWAY, after that insanely long intro here’s the actual photoshoot of Chrissa [with commentary by me].
Her eyesssss. Gorgeous, am I right?

This is the part where Chrissa enters an alternate dimension. Do I watch too much TV and read too many books? Yes. Am I going to stop? No.
This fence is super fun to climb. I should know, I’ve done it.
The sun gives her blonde highlights.
Worst lighting EVER. Sorry ‘bout that.
Again, the last two have….weird lighting. I kinda like this one, though.
She totally looks like a spy in the last picture! Does anyone agree?
The name’s Maxwell. Special Agent Chrissa Maxwell, CIA. I heard you were looking for me?
Of course it would have to be said with a British accent. 
I believe that’s all for today [I have to go on a spy mission now, XD]. Did you have a favorite picture? 


  1. These are all so pretty! Chrissa is so cute. :)
    ~ Megan

    1. Thank you. She's one of my favorite AG dolls. Thanks for commenting.

  2. My favorite picture is definitely the one of her lying on the rock, with patches of sunlight resting on her. I love it, awesome job!!

    1. Oh thank you so much. That's probably my favorite too.

  3. A lot of lovely shots here! I have three favorites. The first one is the third one where she is walking through the woods. It looks like she is really walking. Then sitting on the log/fence. And the tree leaning one.

  4. Thank you! I love all those pictures, too.

  5. (I somehow didn't see this) but these pictures are AWESOME. :D

  6. Thank you, Quinley. Taking pictures outside normally gives me better lighting.
