Saturday, November 9, 2019

Purple Hair and Horses-A Photoshoot

Hiya. Sorry I haven’t posted much, but I have a video that should be up later today. Anyway, here’s a photoshoot of my new doll, Octavia [who’s profile is now finally added to the ‘Meet the Dolls’ page]. And also I have some very sweet friends who sent me a book [Black Beauty], and some Schleich horses for my birthday!
Isn’t Octavia pretty? Her eyes are really big so they look kinda bugged-out at times….but, oh well.
And here are the Schleich horses! You all remember Spike, right? The sturdy, black one with the tail that looks like a mop is Indigo, and the grey mare is Ebony.
I don’t really collect Schleich horses, but it’s nice to have a few!
I’ll just let you enjoy the pictures!
You can see my bracelet.
Yeah, it snowed. Literally snowed. In October? Technically, it’s November but it was October when it snowed. It almost never snows in October. It’s pretty much all melted by now but it’s still cool.
Sorry that my finger got in the way. But just look at Ebony and Indigo. They’re in love. Or Indigo’s biting Ebony.
I don’t know why I like this picture.
I had more pictures, but they’re not uploading for some reason? Ugh.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little photostory.


  1. I think my favorite photo is the 4th one and 16th one. :D I love her purple hair.

  2. I like those ones, too. Yes, her hair is awesome.
