Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ranking Every Monster High Skullectors' Doll

 Hi, everyone! So, this post isn't AG related (as you can tell from the title lol) buuut I really wanted to get back into ranking things and since Halloween is coming up (ish), I thought I'd rank every Halloween Collector's Edition Monster High doll. So, let's get into it, shall we?

#12: Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein

In my opinion, this is the weakest out of all of the collectors' editions dolls. I think they did a good job being accurate to the movie, buuuut why does Frankenstein have plastic hair? This is a collector's edition doll, they definitely could have added more details. I think some of this is because men's fashion is pretty boring but I feel like they could've made good ol' Frank look more interesting. While the Bride of Frankenstein is slightly better, I really don't like the boots and I feel like her look isn't the most creative. 

#11: Creature From The Black Lagoon

This may sound weird but I really like all the details they added to make it look like a fish, I think it's really cool. Unfortunately, I don't really like the outfit. I don't know why but I don't really like it. I also feel like the greens of the outfit kind of clash and I wish they'd chosen more similar greens. 

#10: Morticia and Wednesday Addams

Now, this is a huge improvement over the last two dolls. I feel like they really did a great job with Morticia especially------I love how shiny her hair is and she really looks like Morticia to me. However, I don't like Wednesday quite as much. Don't get me wrong, she's a cute doll but she doesn't really look like Wednesday to me. I also feel like they could've gone a little bigger and more elaborate with these dolls, but, oh, well. 

#9: The Grady Twins
Now, don't get me wrong, I think these look great! However, I don't think the shoes go with the outfit at all. I also wish that there were more unique details on these dolls, instead of just directly copying what the Grady twins wore in the movie. With that being said, I do really how detailed these are! I think their faces look great. 

#8: Greta Gremlin
I think Greta Gremlin is absolutely adorable! I love her big ears (the earrings are a nice touch) and mischievous face, plus the little gremlin that comes with her is so cute! However, I really don't like her outfit, especially her dress. She's still cute, though!

#7: Annabelle
This is where it starts to get really good! I love all of the details that the designers included on her outfit and shoes. Look at the ''blood'' on the collar of her dress, it looks so cool! And her little rose sash?? Adorable. This is exactly what I'm talking about when I mentioned wanting to see Monster High add their own twist to existing characters. However, the only thing stopping me from loving this doll is how unnerving her face looks. I know that she's supposed to look creepy, but she looks like she'd murder you. 

#6: Elvira
Ahhhh, she looks amazing! I think her outfit looks great and the big hair is very accurate. I especially like all of the little details that this outfit has (like the little dagger). I think this is a really great interpretation of Elvira. There are no complaints here from me!

#5: Chucky and Tiffany
Now I've never seen the Chucky movies (I know, I know, sue me) but I think that these are pretty accurate! I think that Tiffany especially looks great------they did an amazing job with her and I think that Chucky looks pretty good, too. My only complaint is that I wished Chucky's shirt wasn't cropped. 

#4: Dracula
I love how detailed this doll is! Like, look at the cape and the shoes! I think that Monster High did an excellent job making this doll look like the original Dracula, while also adding their own unique twist to it. I also love the black-and-red color palette. 

#3: Pennywise
Look how magnificently creepy this doll looks! I love its' evil little face and all of the details. I'm very impressed by the hair and I think that the red balloon and paper boat are a very nice touch. All in all, I think this doll is great!

#2: Beetlejuice and Lydia
Hey, I've actually seen Beetlejuice! Anyway, I think that these dolls look great. I love how detailed their faces and clothing are. I also think that their outfits look fantastic and I loveeee that Lydia comes with her camera and the ''Handbook For The Recently Deceased'' book. I think these are definitely one of the best Skullector dolls. 

#1: Jack and Sally
I think these look great! Monster High so often disappoints me with their guy dolls but I think Jack looks great! Look at how adorable he is! And I think that Sally looks amazing, too! I think these are definitely some of Monster High's best dolls. 

So, this is my ranking of the Monster High Skullector dolls. Let me know which one is your favorite. 

Until Next Time,

Monday, August 5, 2024

Meet Bridget

 Hello! So, recently I did a day job at my parents' work and I earned some money from it plus it's been a long time since I got a new doll so.........

Meet Bridget! She's a character from Descendants 4: The Rise of Red and look how pretty she is! 

Remind me to do this eye makeup look sometime.

Here's what Bridget looks like in the movie (also, fun fact, I used to collect the back of the boxes). 

I love the hearts on the side of the box, it really fits since Bridget is the young Queen of Hearts. 

Here's what Bridget looks like out of the box!

She has such a sweet face and I love how all of her stuff is pink-themed!

One thing I don't like is how much hairspray she has on her hair. 

Buuuuuut I really love her skirt and tights! I really like the cards and heart theme.

Imo, her outfit is even cuter without the jacket. 

She's very cute and photogenic and because she's smaller, she'll be great for traveling because I can fit her in my bag. 

See what I meant about her being photogenic? 

She also comes with a cupcake, which might be my favorite doll accessory that I own. 

More (slightly blurry) cupcake pics. 

Here's a picture of Bridget compared to my other 12' doll, Violet. 

So, all in all, I really like Bridget! I think she's adorable and I love her aesthetic. However, I do wish she was slightly higher quality considering her price. Still, I really love her and I think she'll fit in quite nicely in my doll family. I already have her profile on my ''Meet the Dolls'' page so you can learn more about her there. 

So, yeah, there's Bridget. Definitely let me know what kind of photoshoots you want me to do with her, 

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Summer Sincerity-A Chrissa Photoshoot

 Hello, all! Recently (lol, it was like a week ago), I took Chrissa to the playground/park and got some pretty cool pictures of her so I thought I'd share them. 

Ignore the random sunglasses. They're not mine, I think someone just left them there (what an odd thing to do + a strange place to leave them). 

Doesn't this outfit look so cute on Chrissa? 

Wait, why are these pictures actually good? 

Welllll, maybe not this one. 

These photos were taken in the early evening and the lighting turned out to be perfect for pictures. 

I may be a little obsessed with side pictures......

Where is Chrissa now? She's in California!

Well, maybe it's just California on this little.....actually, I'm not sure what this is. 

Ah, tree shots always hit the spot. 

It's been awhile since I've done a Chrissa photoshoot, which is a shame since she's so photogenic (and also my favorite but shhhhh don't tell the other dolls I said that). 

She clearly takes after me......we both love swinging! 


Andddddd she's ending this photoshoot by relaxing on the grass. 

This is probably my favorite picture out of the whole shoot. She looks adorable! 

And, in other exciting news, I now have a doll-themed Instagram (it's @fairydynastydolls) sooooo I'd love it if you followed (you can also follow my main account, if you want, which is @stargirl_writer)!

Well, that's all for now. Happy end of July! 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Ranking Every Historical Doll

 Hello! As I'm sure you all are aware by now, I love ranking things. Still, when the idea of ranking American Girl Historical dolls came to my mind, I knew I was going to have to be more detailed than usual. Therefore, I decided to mark a couple of different perameters for judging these dolls.

1: Time Period. 

Obviously, since we're talking about historical characters, the time period their story is set in is pretty important. Now, I believe that all of history is pretty important buuuut I do think that certain time periods are more important to cover + some are just more interesting (idk, please don't hate me for this). 

2: Costume.

Now I am by no means an expert in historical fashion buuuuuut I have to admit, the outfit/overall appearance of the dolls are important. 

3: Story

AG has always prioritized putting out stories, so I think that the stories/characters are pretty important, especially for the historical characters.

I'm also not going to be including any of the best friends dolls (besides Marie-Grace and Cecile) since they don't have as many books or as big of a collection so I feel like that wouldn't be fair. 

With this being said, I'm trying to be semi-objective, though, of course, I have my biases. I don't want this to take forever, so let's get started.

#20: Nicki Hoffman

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of either of the Hoffman twins. While I think it's very cool that AG has included more Jewish characters, there isn't much else that I can say about her. Her story takes place in 1999.....which was only twenty-five years ago so it feels a little too recent for me. Nothing about her story feels particularly interesting to me---------she's a shy, tomboyish girl whose major conflict involves having a twin that's her complete opposite. While there's nothing wrong with any of that, it doesn't feel particularly original. She's a cute doll, though, I'll give her that. 

#19: Isabel Hoffman

I have the same gripes with Isabel that I have with Nicki-----too recent of a time period, not a particularly important or new story with the additional downside of her eyes being so green that they're almost scary.  Still, her ''Meet'' outfit looks like Cher Horowitz's from Clueless and she loves cats so she gets a few points for that.  

#18: Nanea Mitchell, 1941

Truthfully, I have no problem with Nanea. I think she's cute and the idea of adding a native Hawaiian girl to the line-up was a good idea and her story heavily involving Pearl Harbor is interesting. The only reason that she's this low is because I haven't read her books and don't know much about her. 

#17: Maryellen Larkin

I think that Maryellen gets a bit of a bad rap due to being in the 1950's, a decade where there ''wasn't much happening''. Still, I think that Maryellen being a Polio survivor, plus her stories involving the Cold War (lightly, of course. She is only ten) and sexism of that time period definitely give her a little bit of ground to stand on. I enjoy her spunky, energetic personality and I think a lot of her '50s outfits are cute (especially her poodle skirt!), but, unfortunately, I do find her doll herself to look a bit boring. 

#16: Caroline Abbott, 1812

Caroline gets a lot of flack for being ''basic'' or the ''18-inch doll Barbie'' due to her long, blonde curls and pink dress, but I personally really like Caroline! Are y'all forgetting that she had a boat and had to rescue her dad, who was taken prisonor? Caroline's definitely more than just some pretty princess and her stories are definitely among the most action-packed of AG's stories. Plus, she's gorgeous and has stunning outfits. Still, I never connected with her as much as some of the others, which is why she's not higher up. 

#15: Felicity Merriman, 1776

I feel bad for putting a classic American Girl so low on this list. I do enjoy Felicity. I like her spunky personality and I grew up reading her books so I have a lot of nostalgia for them. She also had lots of beautiful outfits in her collection. Still, her BeForever dress is so incredibly ugly and her eyes also look a tiny bit....creepy (much like Isabel's) so.......sorry, Lissie.

#14: Courtney Moore, 1986

Let me start this off by saying that I also think that Courtney gets too much hate. After all, the 1980's were forty years ago, which is the same amount of time as when Molly was released back in the '80s. Courtney's story partially involves her befriending a boy with HIV, which is, in my opinion, an important thing to represent. Courtney is also a gamer girl, which I absolutely love. Still, I haven't read Courtney's books either so I can't fully rank her. 

#13: Marie-Grace Gardner, 1853

I think that AG's idea of releasing two dolls together was an interesting one! I think that Marie-Grace and Cecile both have a very interesting setting (their books are set in New Orleans during the 1853 Yellow Fever outbreak) and I remember really enjoying their books, plus their outfits are absolutely stunning. 

#12: Cecile Rey, 1853

I love Cecile for many of the same reasons that I love Marie-Grace (interesting setting, pretty dolls, cute outfits) and I think they were really underutilized by AG----they definitely could have stuck around longer. While I love both of them, I love Cecile just a tiny bit more, which is why she's here.

#11: Claudie Wells, 1922

I haven't read any of Claudie's books, which is why she's not higher but I already love her. She has the benefit of being from the 1920's (one of my favorite time periods) set specifically during the Harlem Renaissance, which gives her a great setting. She's also an adorable doll (and another, much needed, doll of color) with a great collection. Claudie is great and I adore her. 

#10: Samantha Parkington, 1904

Samantha's books were the first ones I read so I'll always have a lot of nostalgia for her and her stories. She's a rich orphan living in the Edwardian era so her original collection is absolutely stunning (the less said about her BeForever collection, the better). Her doll has never been one of my favorites but I still love her. 

#9: Josefina Montoya, 1824

Josefina is an absolutely gorgeous doll with a gorgeous collection. Her story is another one that has a great setting (her book is set in New Mexico in the 1820's) and I remember really liking her character and her books. She's adorable and she deserves the best.

#8: Julie Albright, 1974

Julie gets a lot of flack (some of which is fair since AG was releasing a lot of blonde dolls at the time and while there's nothing wrong with blondes, a little variety is nice) but I think Julie, like Caroline, is a lot better than people give her credit for. While her story is set in the fairly recent 1970's, it has some major feminist undertones such as her wanting to play basketball and not being allowed to because it's ''for boys'' in a great, kid-appropriate way. I love Julie's determination to play basketball despite all the obstacles in her way. I also love her funky '70s fashion and her shiny hair. I read her books a lot so she has a special place in my heart. Julie slays and we love her. 

#7: Kirsten Larson, 1854

Apparently a lot of people don't like Kirsten but I have been a Kirsten stan since day one. She's a Swedish immigrant who's still adjusting to life in America, she's shy and sweet but determined, and her books involve a lot of adventure (and danger and death. Maybe a little too much death, actually). She's a pioneer girl, and, to a child who was obsessed with Little House on the Prarie, nothing was better. I think Kirsten is sweet, I love her books and she genuinely does have some good outfits (hello, her pink birthday dress). Kirsten is Queen and she deserves her flowers. 

#6: Melody Ellison, 1964

Melody is great! She's a young girl growing up during the Civil Rights movement, which, again, I think is important for kids to learn about in an age-appropriate manor, which Melody achieves fabulously. She also has the benefit of having amazing '60s outfits (seriously, I don't think she's ever had a bad outfit) + super cute hair and a fun personality. She's also a singer so a lot of her story and sets are music-themed, which is cool. We love Melody here. 

#5: Kaya'aton'my, 1764

Kaya's books were also full of danger and destruction (dang, what is it with AG books and trying to traumatize children?) and being a curious little eight-year-old, I lapped them up. She also has the benefit of having a horse and a lot of amazing outfits + truly amazing hair. She's a member of the Nez Perce tribe and AG put a lot of research into her, which I'm very happy about. Kaya is great. 

#4: Rebecca Rubin, 1914

Now, some of you might be surprised by this because I've mentioned that Rebecca is my favorite historical doll many times but, while she is my favorite, I don't necessarily think she's the best one. Still, she is up there as one of the best. She's a Jewish-Russian theater kid who wears a lot of purple, so, obviously she slays. Her books were very entertaining and she's a beautiful doll. Rebecca, you are queen, I aspire to be as cool as you. 

#3: Molly McIntyre, 1944

We all know that Molly is clearly the best out of the original three. She's a bookworm and a bit of a troublemaker with glasses and braids, which was enough for me to love her as a kid. I know that some people dislike her because of her selfish attitude but that's part of what makes her so human for me. She acts like just a regular kid, and while she has her bratty moments, she also has her sweet moments. Her books were incredibly entertaining and she has a cute collection. Molly slays!

#2: Addy Walker, 1864

Addy escaped from slavery, so, obviously, for that alone, she gets a great ranking. While Addy's books definitely leaned towards the dark side, they're an incredibly well-written depiction of slavery, the civil war and freedom. I also love Addy herself; she's compassionate, intelligent and brave. Her collection is amazing and she's a gorgeous doll. She definitely deserves this spot. 

#1: Kit Kittredge, 1934

There's nobody more quintessentially American Girl than Kit. She's a spunky, tomboyish aspiring reporter, trying to survive the Depression after her father loses her job. Her collection is not just pretty but interesting with pieces like a scooter and her overalls. She has that bold personality with a can-do attitude that makes her interesting to read about and her story does a great job of staying accurate to the Depression while also having interesting stories. She also has what is by-far the best AG movie. I love Kit and I think she deserves her place at #1. 

So, there you have it; my complete ranking of all of the historical AG dolls. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Which AG girls are your favorite?