Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Ideas + designs for GOTY 2020

Hi. So I was going to post a video today but YouTube wasn’t cooperating so I’ll try again tomorrow. Just a heads up. Anyway, it’s a bit early to be talking about the 2020 GOTY but my birthday’s in two weeks and I need something to keep my mind off it. 
Anyway, here’re some ideas I have about the 2020 GOTY.
This is June. She’s ten years old, and is a skilled actress, singer, and dancer. Musical theater is her biggest passion, and she knows pretty much every musical by heart. Her best friends are Eric, and Lou Anne, two kids from her theater group, but she’s pretty popular and gets along with everyone. June tends to be very impatient, bossy, and immature. She likes to wear bright frilly dresses, and she has two gerbils named Lindy, and Lucy.
When she’s not on stage June enjoys playing soccer and volleyball, doing her hair and makeup, crafting, and hanging out with friends. 
I had an idea that Lou Anne gets cancer, and the theater director pressures her to drop out of the play, while the other kids tease Lou Ann. June then finds tons of other kids who want to do theater so badly but can’t because they have a disability. She starts a petition to get them to be able to be involved in theater, and also tries to raises money for cancer treatment. 
There will probably be other parts added but that’s the brief summary.
This is Lizzie, my next GOTY idea. Lizzie has a lot of big ideas about things she wants to do in life. She enjoys dancing, drawing, and dogs. Lizzie also LOVES the outdoors, and hiking, camping, and fishing. She plays a lot of video games, and loves to read. Lizzie loves scrunchies, and fashion in general. She prefers comfy outfits with pastel colors. She has a rabbit named David, and doesn’t really have friends.
Lizzie is kinda shy, kinda outgoing. 
I haven’t fully decided what her story will be about yet, other than she moves but is happy about it, and maybe tries to help some girl get away from her overly strict parents. That seems a little harsh for AG stories but it’s what I have. Of all the dolls, her design is my favorite.
Oh, and she’s a heterochromatic. You can’t really tell in this picture, though….
Here. Of all the dolls I think her design is my favorite.

Apologies for the blurriness of this picture.
This is Christina. I had the idea that maybe she could be an aspiring author, and currently writes fanfiction. I also like the idea of her having a blog! Maybe she can post her stories on there? Ooh! Maybe she even has a doll blog! Or an AGTube channel. She also enjoys photography, filmmaking, skating, riding rollercoasters, and martial arts and fencing.
I think Christina should have this desire to go on an adventure like in the books she reads, and it sort of backfires, but yet she still has to save the day. Oh, and she has two cats: a hairless one named Pearl, and a Siamese/Persian mix named Snowy. 
Christina should also be a huge fangirl with a variety of different fandoms.

So, who was your favorite? Who do you think should be the next GOTY?


  1. I love your ideas for GOTYs! I love that some them do performing arts. Since there have been no actor GOTYs yet, there have been bloggers, but no actors...

  2. Thanks, Quinley.
    That's true. Also, it seems like the majority of GOTYs dance.
